Token Management Platform
This platform allows our users to manage tokens created using DogeGuard ERC20 Launcher.
Supported blockchains:
BNB Chain (BSC)
Polygon (MATIC)
BSC Testnet
You are using the Polygon (MATIC)
You are using a browser not equipped with a web3 provider. You need to install the Metamask extension to use our site!
You are using a browser not equipped with a web3 provider. You need to open this page through a browser in the Metamask or TrustWallet applications you installed earlier!
Copy this link:
Connect Wallet
Enter the address of the smart contract
Call Functions
ƒ Current Supply
ƒ Balance Of Account
ƒ Allowance
Block for type №2 token
ƒ Total Tokens Burned
ƒ Total Tokens Minted
Block for type №3 token
ƒ Burn Fee
ƒ Total Tokens Burned
ƒ Is Exclude From Fees
Block for type №4 token
ƒ Tax Fee
ƒ Total Tokens to Fee Address
ƒ Fee Address
ƒ Is Exclude From Fees
Block for type №5 token
ƒ Tax Fee
ƒ Total Tokens Distributed
ƒ Is Exclude From Fees
Block for type №6 token
ƒ Burn Fee
ƒ Distribution Fee
ƒ Tax Fee
ƒ Fee Address
ƒ Total Tokens Burned
ƒ Total Tokens Distributed
ƒ Total Tokens to Fee Address
ƒ Is Exclude From Fees
Write Functions
ƒ Approve
ƒ Decrease Allowance
ƒ Increase Allowance
ƒ Transfer
ƒ Transfer From
ƒ Transfer Ownership (onlyOwner)
Block for type №4 token
ƒ Ex/Include From Fee (onlyOwner)
ƒ Update Fee (onlyOwner)
ƒ Update Fees Recipient (onlyOwner) ©
Part of the DogeGuard ecosystem ©
Part of the DogeGuard ecosystem
By using our website, you agree to User Agreement, Risk Agreement and disclaimer.