

DogeGuard: ...$
BTC: ...$
BNB: ...$
DOGE: ...$

Token Random Sender

Token Random Sender - a smart contract that allows everyone to send tokens to absolutely random addresses, increasing the number of token holders.

Supported blockchains:

BNB Chain (BSC)

Polygon (MATIC)

BSC Testnet

What is
Random Sender?

Random Sender is a smart contract that generates random addresses in one cycle and sends a certain number of tokens to each of these addresses, thereby you can increase the number of holders of your token in one transaction.

Advantages of Random Sender

1) Speed

Undoubtedly, speed is the main advantage of Random Sender, our smart contract allows you to increase the number of holders by an unlimited number in one transaction! So it will take less than 15 seconds.

2) Reliability and transparency

Everything happens completely when using web3 technology without external influence. Transactions occur when using a smart contract and this means a full guarantee of the transaction, your tokens will not be able to simply disappear!
Also at the bottom of our site there is a zone that allows you to get information on your token about its use by Random Sender, there you can request all the necessary information.

3) Testing

You can use our Random Sender in the BSC Testnet. This will allow you, as a developer, to evaluate the performance of your token with a large number of holders.
You will also be able to test our system on a test network before randomly sending tokens to the main networks.
You can get test BNBs at this link
You can also create a token in the BSC test network automatically on our website by clicking on this link Testnet ERC20 Launcher

4) Clear price

Our price is set for one transaction you do not have any limit in the number of addresses for random sending of tokens!
The price is the same for both 100 and 1000 addresses. But keep in mind, the more addresses you specify, the higher the commission you will pay to the network for making a transaction.


Please check if there is a transaction fee in your token, you should definitely exclude our Random Sender from paying the commission! 
Or disable the commission for the duration of the transaction.

Address of the Random Sender smart contract

BNB Chain (BSC)

Polygon (MATIC)

BSC Testnet

Address of the Random Sender smart contract

BNB Chain (BSC)

Polygon (MATIC)

BSC Testnet

If you are using a token created using DogeGuard ERC20 Launcher, you can exclude our Random Sender in the control panel of your token by this button

You are on the page BNB Chain (BSC). You can change the network in the upper right corner of the page.

You are using a browser not equipped with a web3 provider. You need to install the Metamask extension to use our site!

Link to install the Metamask

You are using a browser not equipped with a web3 provider. You need to open this page through a browser in the Metamask or TrustWallet applications you installed earlier!

Copy this link:

Link to install the Metamask
Link to install the TrustWallet

Web 3.0. Random Sender  Zone

Connect Wallet

Enter the address of the ERC20 token smart contract for random sending

Specify Number of Addresses for Random

Specify the number of tokens that will be sent to each address

Briefly about the token


You can contact us using these methods


DogeGuard ©

Part of the DogeGuard ecosystem ©

Part of the DogeGuard ecosystem

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